Our Strategy & Business Plan

Learn about our business plan and strategic priorities for the West Midlands with our plan on a page and full business plan.

Our business plan for July 2023 - March 2025 details how we use our key business areas. Inward investment, capital attraction, the visitor economy and strategic relationship management are used to address regional challenges and take up opportunities. They are also being used to deliver the Plan for Growth and levelling up the West Midlands.

Our Strategic Objectives are:

  1. Enhance the profile and reputation of the West Midlands
  2. Create and sustain good jobs for local people
  3. Create and sustain vibrant destinations
  4. Facilitate the regeneration of the built environment

We're delivering those strategic objectives through campaigns, underpinned by always-on core services that benefit the whole region. Beyond campaigns and core services, we have a series of projects and programmes that are place-specific and/or time-bound.

International Strategy

In addition to our business plan, we are developing the first-ever West Midlands International Strategy. The plan will internationalise the West Midlands Combined Authority's Plan for Growth and shape the region’s collective international effort and resources. We're elevating the West Midlands’ presence and impact on the global stage.

How we measure our impact

We monitor outputs and indicators for each strategic objective. These form the basis of our reporting framework. We combine this with qualitative information, such as case studies.

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